2024 Opening Times
Part of the Holy Island magic is the fluctuations in tide - meaning that we plan our opening times based around the causeway crossing. We release our opening times month by month in order to account for changes in season, holidays, staff availability and weather. If you're planning a trip in advance and are curious about our opening times, please send us an email.
Remember to check the Northumberland County Council safe tide crossing times.
February 2025
1st 9.30 - 1.15
2nd 9.30 - 2
3rd 10 - 2.45
4th 10.15 - 3.45
5th 10.45 - 4
6th 11.15 - 4
7th 12.15 - 4
8th 9.30 - 4
9th 9.30 - 4
10th - 14th CLOSED
15th 9.30 - 1.30
16th 9.30 - 3
17th 9.30 - 2.45
18th 9.30 - 3.30
19th 9.30 - 4.15
20th 10 - 4.30
21st 10.30 - 4.30
22nd 11.15 - 4.30
23rd 9.30 - 4.30
24th 9.30 - 4.30
25th 9.30 - 4.30
26th 9.30 - 4.30
27th 9.30 - ?
28th 9.30 - 12
These times may be subject to change.